Breast Cancer News, Research, and Links

About Breast Cancer– This site, part of the network, provides a wide range of information on breast cancer, including risk factors and treatments, and hundred of links to related sites.

Advanced Breast Cancer– A website solely dedicated to the needs of people living with metastatic breast cancer. Novartis Oncology is now sponsoring this website. The content has been revised. Addiitonally, the Count Us, Know Us, Join Us program on the home page allows people to show they care about issues related to advanced and metastatic breast cancer. As the world focuses on raising awareness of breast cancer this October, let’s not forget to show our support for those living with advanced breaset cancer, or for those who have passed. We hope to have 3,500 people  “Be Counted” in October. This is an estimate of the number of people who will be diagnosed with advanced breast cancer in the USA this month. – a complete resource for breast health information and support.

Breast Cancer News – This pay-for-use website offers an online newsletter, has links to the latest breast cancer articles from medical journals and newspapers, and an archive with 1800+ other cancer related news items. Also includes support group locations, glossary of common cancer terms, and the latest treatment information. (BCT) is a non-profit service that encourages individuals affected by breast cancer to consider clinical trials as a routine option for care.

The California Breast Cancer Research Program – This program is responsible for administering funding for breast cancer research in the State of California.

Cancer.Net – Oncologist-approved cancer information from the American Society of Clinical Oncology

CellReconstruct – This website is an information source for a new technique in reconstructive surgery available today in Europe. Cell-enriched breast reconstruction is a unique option that allows you to use your fat tissue and your naturally occurring, fat-derived regenerative cells to reconstruct your breast. This procedure is a part of the field of regenerative medicine, harnessing and focusing on the body’s natural healing mechanisms.

Chemotherapy Facts – Provides information specific to breast cancer chemotherapies, managing side effects, talking with your doctor, and financial support. Sponsored by AstraZeneca.

Kathryn Wagner – Breast Cancer Surgeon Benign and Malignant Diseases

The Love/Avon Army of Women – The Army of Women links women and scientists in a powerful new partnership. The focus is to look at how breast cancer starts in a healthy breast and how to prevent the disease. The program is unique in that it is a “matching service” and empowers women to directly partner with scientists.

Metastatic Breast Cancer Network – This website increases the understanding of metastatic breast cancer and encourages research into therapies that will stop or at least slow the metastatic process.

My Treatment Decision – is designed to inform women with early-stage breast cancer about treatment options. This website is sponsored by Genomic Health.

National Breast & Ovarian Cancer Centre of Australia – Breast cancer information for Australians.

National Lymphedema Network – The best and most reliable source for lymphedema information will be located on the National Lymphedema Network website.

OncoLink: Breast Cancer – University of Pennsylvania Cancer center website offers information on breast cancer prevention, risks, treatment, support, and more. – SHARE: Self-Help for Women with Breast or Ovarian Cancer Texas Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program – Information on free mammograms and pap smears for women living in Texas. The U. S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced on July 1, 2010 the launch of the National and State-run high risk pools known as Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plans (PCIP). Texas PCIP will be administered by the U.S. Department of HHS and will provide a new health coverage option for Americans who have been unable to obtain health coverage because of a pre-existing health condition. The coverage requires that you have been uninsured for at least six months, have been unable to get health coverage because of a health condition, and are a U.S. citizen or are residing in the United States legally. Information can be obtained at the National website or the Texas website